Friday, April 13, 2007

So much online...

So, now that I have my beautiful new 20" iMac at home, I've been spending quite a bit more time online. However, you may have noticed I haven't been spending any more time on this-here blog. Partly, that's because I've been spending time running around the internet, reading about things, exploring for things, etc. Partly, I've been spending much of my time on Flickr. And... in the past few days, apparently now Facebook too. Which I keep calling Spacebook. I think my mind is still lumping it in with My Space, even though I haven't been there in months, can't even remember my password.

So, I just wanted to write a bitty-little-blurby-update...

I am SO happy this week is over, it was a REALLY long one, work-wise. A TON of stuff came up that I'm still not entirely sure how to go about taking care-of, and I'm going out to Swan Hills next week to try to figure out some other huge issues - there's just a lot going on. Also, my assistant EIT's contract is up at the end of this month which is sad. I'm getting a couple of summer students in her place, but she's amazing, and I'm not sure the two of them will be anywhere near as effective as she has been ... But I'll just have to wait and see. It really depends on the luck of the draw. Some interns are awesome - some of them are useless. My fingers are crossed.

Tomorrow Brian is going to BC on business - it'll be the first time in almost 4 months that we will have been apart for more than about 24 hours... And he won't be back until Wednesday!!! I'm sure we'll both survive it, really. We've obviously existed without each other before. But it'll still suck.

Katherine and I are going snowboarding tomorrow (she'll ski, I'll snowboard), or hiking if it's too warm and slushy. After that, I imagine I'll sleep for about 18 hours, because I've been EXHAUSTED for like a week now...

Then Tuesday and Wednesday, I'm out in Swan Hills (as previously mentioned). Brian and I both return home Wednesday night (our flights arrive in Calgary an inconvenient 2.5 hours apart). I imagine at that point, there will be much snuggling and cuteness and... etc...

Mmm, that's all. It's now a quarter past midnight, and I need to brush my teeth and go to bed. Goodnight!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I still exist...

I keep meaning to update this, but I don't. All day I think "when I get home tonight, I'm going to update my blog". But then in the evening, it just seems like the least important thing in the whole world.

So now I'm on my lunchhour, not really hungry, and not motivated enough to work.

Don't really have anything to say, though. Been playing with cameras lots - ...

Been embarking on random mini-adventures.

Easter was... Easter. It's never really been a big holiday for me, not being of the Christian persuasion and all... Brian and I did have brunch at Smuggler's though, which was nice. My family often has an Easter dinner, but not this year. Dunno why. No one cared enough to organize, I guess. Which is fine by me, I get more and more antisocial the older I get.

I'm excited that spring seems to be JUST barely around the corner... I'm enjoying the rain, even though it's really COLD rain, interrupted by moments of snow. Brian and I went walking in the rain, down in Fish Creek Park the evening before last. That was fun. We brought our cameras, and possibly got some good shots. I won't know for a while, because I was using my Rebel G - which is a film camera, not one of those new-fangled digital things...

Not much else to report right now, and I am not even motivated enough to add a picture to this. If you want a picture, go to my flickr page.

Ciao for now.