Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dreams of Vacation

The Old Reflections Factory, originally uploaded by Blue I'x.

I haven't been recording my dreams much. I mean to, but only have time to do it in the evenings - and by then I've forgotten most of them.

I've been dreaming about work a lot for the past few months. Hints of work are very apparent in most of my recent dreams:

- My entire office department moves into a forest with stairwells in it
- Spreadsheets, searching, sorting, categorization (lots of these)
- Losing files, not being prepared for meetings, embarrassing myself at work
- Remembering tasks that I've forgotten to do at work in real life (literally, this one saved me once!)

But I am happy to report that I have recently also been dreaming about my upcoming vacation. I think I also dream about travel a lot in general, but lately I've been dreaming about my specific upcoming trip. Dreaming that I'm already there.

About a month ago I dreamed we were in Germany already, staying with a woman in a dress and apron with gray hair. I think she had children, and she lived in a tiny stone cottage in a deep green forest by a waterway... Sort of a waterfall or stream, but it was a brick waterway. It meandered like a stream though, and it was steep in places. I remember climbing and playing in it. Lots of green moss on green stones shaped like bricks. It was a good dream - I felt playful and happy and adventurous. I may have been young (7-14?) in at least parts of this dream, but I definitely had the knowledge that I was in Germany throughout.

Last night I dreamed of tours and of white water rafting in Germany. I don't even know where the white water rafting comes from, but it's what I dreamed. Again, the feeling was excitement and fun and adventure. I spoke to a guy who was some kind of tour guide maybe, or a local - telling me where I should eat and stay. There may have been something about language - he may have been trying to teach me German.

Wouldn't it be great to just wake up speaking German?

If you care to follow along on our actual adventure, go here:

Friday, September 05, 2008

New Dream - Pyro Ghosts

Yellow Flowers, originally uploaded by Blue I'x.

I only remember glimpses of my dream last night...

I was sleeping in an attic. There were other girls there - possibly my little sister, possibly friends from highschool. It was a dark bedroom, old grey/brown cots and blankets. Some tragedy may have befallen us - We didn't want to be here, but knew it was the best place for us.

The place was haunted by babies/children who had died there. There was a heater that looked like a fan (I think I saw one irl at Costco last weekend), but I was worried that it seemed like a fire hazard. I turned it off, but then things started moving and it was obvious the baby/child ghosts were unhappy. They made noises and frightened us until we turned the heater back on. They were only quiet/still when the heater was on.

Later in the dream I saw the heater leaning up against one of the beds, and the blanket was smoking, about to catch fire. I lept to turn it off, but then whoever I was with tried to stop me from turning it off, because we didn't want to upset the spirits in the place.

We figured out that the babies/children must have frozen to death in that place, and when we turned off the heater they thought we were trying to hurt them all over again. Eventually it came clear that they wanted to burn the place down.


Like I say, I only remember bits from it... Brian thinks I should write more, and my dreams seem to be an easy place for me to start. Sometimes I try to wait for the REALLY big/amazing/vivid/spectacular ones, but maybe recording the more vague/normal ones is a good thing too. Dunno...