Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dream - Helicopters

Plus Fifteen Spatulas, originally uploaded by Blue I'x.

Dreams last night...

Earlier in the dream, I vaguely remember being friends with Rosie O'Donnell. We were in the kitchen, baking something. She had a kid I was helping take care of. The overall feelings were good. Happy, comfortable, friendly, loving.

We were preparing for a party of some sort, and I had to drive somewhere with Darrell Smith, a kid I went to Junior High School with. On our way back home, the police had the road blocked. They wouldn't let us through, and we couldn't tell what was going on. We found our way home by other streets.

When we returned 'home', I was in downtown Calgary, in a skyscraper. I was on approximately the 5th floor, and one wall was all windows. It may have been an art gallery of sorts - I was looking at colorful pieces of artwork, and I was in awe at how beautiful they were. I was really struck by the amazing beauty of it, and felt great respect for the artist.

There were people milling about, and there was a small black helicopter outside. Its tail swung around toward the building we were in, and I thought "Wow, that came really close to the window". And then it swung around again and did shatter the window, and the helicopter crashed.

Everybody started screaming and running, and I was outside. More helicopters crashed, and I called my dad to tell him what was going on. He told me not to worry, and that it was probably nothing serious. I looked up and a big white helicopter was falling towards me. I ran, and it crashed, and slid towards me. I managed to avoid it, but was suddenly dodging another falling helicopter. I told my dad I thought I was going to die. I was trying to say goodbye to him, but kept having to run and hide.

I found myself huddled indoors with dozens of other people, and we were all silent, trying not to be heard. I wanted to keep talking to my dad, but had to stay quiet. Then we saw through the windows that more helicopters were crashing into the building we were in.


I woke up to Brian asking me if I was okay. I was curled up against his back and shaking, breathing these short, panicked gasps. It took me a moment to realize I wasn't about to be crushed to death by a helicopter. Even after I realized it was a dream, my heart kept pounding, and I had to consciously slow my breathing. I sat up and drank some water, and eventually was able to go back to sleep.


This was an especially vivid dream. I was genuinely surprised and confused when I woke up in my bed and realized I'd been dreaming.

I'm not really sure where this dream came from. The mix of extremes (being so joyful and amazed at the beautiful artwork, and then suddenly so afraid for my life) is strange to me.

I wanted to blog it, because it's been so strong in my mind today. It might help to get it off my chest...


Anonymous said...

I was Googling "dreams about helicopters" and your blog popped up. I just read this post about your dream, and I wanted to tell you that I had a very similar dream/experience to yours last night. Eerily similar. I'm a little freaked out. Anyway, I didn't want to post my name/info online, but if you're interested in talking to me, respond to this comment in your comments, and I'll email you.

I swear I'm not a freak, and I'm not joking. I'm just fascinated and weirded out by your dream because it's very similar to the vivid and frightening dream I had last night. I'm writing to you because there are elements of your dream that are exactly the same as mine. If anything, that's something interesting to talk about...

p.s. On another totally random note, I'm also a Francesca Lia Block fan.

Blue Ix said...

Absolutely, e-mail me by all means! The concept of different people having similar dreams facinates me to no end! Since there were so many different aspects to that dream, I'd be interested to know which details rang a bell for you. E-mail me at bluish.brandi@gmail.com - I look forward to hearing from you!

Myra V said...

Today I saw one of the black helicopter videos that are popping up around the net.. and I almost fell over. You see, in the 70's I had an extremely vivid and nightmarish recurring dream. In the dream, I was standing on a black girder bridge over a shallow river while I watched a completely black helicopter with black windows fly upriver towards me. The tone was immediately threatening to me, enough so that I found myself trying to hide from it. Just before I woke up, the helicopter was hovering seemingly within inches of me.. the strange thing is .. the first video I saw was of some black helicopters flying over and under a black metal girder bridge.... it made me wonder if other people have dreamed of black helicopters..

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Unknown said...

3 people i taked to tonight had almost the same exact dream. oh my god. what does it mean