It's been so nice to have time off work for the holidays. Both Brian and I took a solid 2 weeks off, and we're back to work on Monday.
When Brian and I have time off work - ANY time - we leave town. We fill it all full of SOMETHING. But for these two weeks, we didn't leave town even once. It was actually kinda nice. We decorated for Christmas, and took it all down today - we've done a TON of general house clean-up. House prettying-up.
Brian has done a bit of work on Ziggy, we've rearranged plants, played with our cats like there was no tomorrow.
Even the never-ending bathroom renovation has had some advances made on it. Having trouble finding just the right floor tile, but we think we have the shower tile mostly picked out. And we have the vanity waiting to go in once we're done the rest of it...
I can't even believe work starts again in a couple days. And I don't really want to think about it yet so... Enough on that.
Tuesday I have a root canal... Also under the heading of 'unpleasant, not thinking about it'.
Back to the pleasentness of now... I am curled up on the couch in my living room, which newly looks clean and tidy and rearranged, and comfortably us-feeling. I have Brian curled up on the floor in front of the couch, and one of my cats (Sol - the white one) curled up on the couch beside me. Read into that what you will, but I swear Brian chose his spot before the cat did. And there's a fire in the fireplace, crackling away.
Speaking of fire, we bought a fire extinguisher today. Everyone should have at LEAST one fire extinguisher in their home. I'm ashamed to say we didn't before - but now we do. Hooray! And a CO detector for the van. Also good to have.
I think that's all I've got to say for today. I hope everyone's year is starting off as calm and cozy as mine...
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