This is one of my favorite photos of Brian's. It's best if you can see it bigger than this, but as I've mentioned before - Blogger has its limits. For optimal viewing, go here. You'll notice the "I LOVE" scratched into the wall... It intruiges me to no end. Was it an interrupted procclamation of love to someone? What was the interruption? How come it never got finished? Or was that all? Was it simply that statement - "I love." So many questions in this picture. Beautiful, haunting. And of course, blue.
It is my lunch hour, and I've been mostly working through them lately (apart from my yoga classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which I have actually been faithfully attending for a few weeks now). I am about to get a beautiful new computer at home, so I feel like I should do no blogging until then.
And this is my post to say "I'll be back when I can blog from home!".
I suppose I can give some little updates though -
- My birthday was on Sunday. I had a really great 'birthday weekend', largely thanks to the amazing Brian. I was really impressed when he came home with a Dairy Queen cake for me, but little did I know that was the least of what I had waiting. He gave me a card, which led me to the back of his car - where I found the kitchen table I've had my eye on for some time. Tucked between the boxes was another card, leading me upstairs to my spare bedroom where I found a pair of Lululemon pants and waterbottle. And again, there was yet a 3rd card (good things happen in threes, he says), which indicated 3 months of fine cheese delivery from Janice Beaton. :) I'm thrilled. Apparently some people find that 3rd one to be a little odd, but I am really impressed - so I suppose that means we're a good match. :) We spent 2 and a half hours putting the table together, and JUST as we were moving the complete table into position, Cara and her husband and friend showed up - complete with beer and munchie food. Sweeeeet. We had fun, the 5 of us - chatted, played some Wii, etc, etc... On Sunday I had dinner with my family, which was good too. I tend to be horribly nervous and uncomfortable around my older sister, but I felt really brave and calm. Brian finally got to meet the rest of my Calgary relatives (he'd previously only met my dad) except for my Grandma, who doesn't really do the 'restaurant' thing. We went to Open Sesame - which is always a good time.
- This weekend the weather is supposed to be nice, and so I think Brian and I are going to take our cameras out on some sort of adventure. He's been thinking of buying a new camera lately, so he's considering renting one this weekend, to try it out before making the decision. If he does that, then I can use his current camera, and continue to work on getting more comfortable with the DSLR thing. I am actually at a point where I'm excited to make the switch from film to digital - I resisted for so long, but as with many other things, Brian's managed to show me the light.
- Work's still crazy and awesome. This afternoon my boss is interviewing someone for a 3-month-contract under me, and I'll be sitting in on that - It's exciting, the first job interview where I've been on the OTHER side of the table. Woo!
Aaaaand... Now it's four minutes past one, and so I need to get back to work, like a good little employee.
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