So, I know this took longer than I said it would, but... You'll forgive me, I know it. So what's gone down since last I was here? Plenty. Lots of adventure, as well as plenty of same-old-same-old...
The weekend after my last post, Brian DID indeed rent a camera and lense for himself to play with, so I was able to play around with his. And it was awesome.
On Saturday morning, we decided we wanted to head out to Banff. We phoned up CAA, and got them to book a hotel room for us. We stayed at Brewster Mountain Lodge, and it was awesome. We wandered around the Banff Springs Hotel taking photos, and then went to the hot springs. On Sunday we went to the Cave and Basin, and did some other random wandering around with our cameras. We each took hundreds of photos - which may make their way online one day, if we ever find the time to go through them all.
The following week, I think (going by my rather poor memory), was a typical run-of-the-mill week for us.
On Saturday the 10th, we went curling with Brian's company and had a blast. Again, many more photos were taken - and again, they may make it online one day.
On Sunday we attended the March flickrmeet, which was held this time in an actual professional photography studio. It was an opportunity for some of the photographers to try their hand with studio lighting, etc. Some of us (like me) are not really at the point where a studio makes any difference. I have to get FAR more comfortable with my SLR before any of that happens.
However, Brian and I did volunteer to model for a shoot Thorinside has had running around in his head for almost a year...

It was a lot of fun - I've never really felt so much like an ACTUAL model before. It was insane. The studio, the lights, and there were quite a few photographers there. Since it was Thorinside's vision, we took our direction from him, and he reserved the right to post his photo first, but there were quite a few other photographers there - So there are quite a few different variations on that photo. If you're interested, search "calgary flickrmeet" on flickr, and flip back through a few pages, and you'll see most of them. Pretty fun. I showed my little sister, and she was like "Yay, you're famous!" - I laughed and was like, "yeah, me and all the other millions of people on flickr" and she replied "whatever - I'm telling all my friends you're famous."
This past weekend, as we were trying to decide what to do on Saturday, one of Brian's friends (who's a photographer for a city paper) called him up to ask if he would model for a shoot he needed. I don't know how much detail I'm allowed to give out about this, considering the photo hasn't been published yet, but will be... I'll find out what I can say, and give some details when I can. It was pretty fun, though. You'll see.
And this week, my beautiful new iMac arrived:
2 gigs of memory
500 gig harddrive
2.5 ghz dual core processor
20" Monitor
*insert Tim Allen-esque 'grunt' here*
It's been so long since I've had my own home computer, and I've never really had my own NICE computer. So this is huge. So much fun. I just got it home last night, and so I'm still figuring it all out, but it can only add up to WAY too much fun...
Today is Ostara/Vernal Equinox/Spring Equinox - Happy spring everyone! Those of us who live in Calgary got a little bit of all four seasons today. Early this morning, it was so foggy it was eerie. Around 10 this morning, it was blizzarding. Blowing snow so thick I could barely see the other skyscrapers from my office. At lunchtime, I was walking around outside without a coat on, and didn't feel cold at all. Although I didn't SEE it, Brian says it rained this afternoon, and this evening it was windy, windy, windy! One of the many reasons I love this glorious city of mine.
What else is new? Oh - I finally bought myself a fancy gym membership. I've been going to the gym each weekday either at lunch or (once) after work. I've mostly been using the cardio machines - for some reason I've been craving cardio like mad lately. But when my muscles get too sore for that, then I'll swim lengths for a day or two - still getting a workout, but somehow remaining gentle on my muscles. It's awesome. I'd also forgotten how therapeutic swimming can be. It is calming, so relaxing, so cleansing. I always come out of the pool in a fabulous mood.
Okay, I have some stuff I'm going to go play with and explore on this new beautiful techno-toy of mine. I still don't have Firefox, and I think I agree with everyone else, that it's far better than Safari. Besides, it reminds me of Foxfire, which is the movie that made me discover the Goddess Angelina waaaay back in 1996. Good times. Ahahaha. What else - Oh, I'm going to download the free trial of Aperture, to see how I like it. Brian uses Adobe lightroom for his photos, but I'd like to compare it to Aperture. Can't hurt, right?
*sigh" okay, I think that's all the rambling I can do for now... I'm too distracted by all the other wonderful little bits on this machine... But I think I'll manage to update more often again, now that I have a home computer, and don't have to feel like a bad employee everytime I want to say something here. Ya know?
Hrm... One other thing I may play with - Other blogging software. Blogger looks quite different now than it did before, and I'm not sure I like it... I could do better. And I think perhaps I shall. Stay tuned...
1 comment:
We (The Husband and I) are mad envious re: your iMac. We even contemplated offering an exchange of bird removal services for iMac time...
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