Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Art Classes?

Busy Hands, originally uploaded by Blue I'x.

So, I think I am going to take a night class at ACAD in May. I have felt this need lately to pay more attention to my art again. Work on it, go somewhere with it, but I don't really remember how. I can sit down with my paints or my pencils and create the same things I've created over and over again since I was 16, but nothing new or inspiring. Not the images I dream up and WANT to create. My possibilities are these:

On Wednesdays Nights:
Intro to Photoshop
Digital Darkroom

Monday and Wednesday Nights:
Intro to Drawing
Figure Drawing
Intro to Oil Painting
Intro to Watercolour

Tuesday and Thursday Nights:
Anatomy Study
Intro to Acrylic Painting

I think the two Wednesday night classes seem similar to one-another, and they are not related to the painting-or-drawing that I want to get back into, but I do feel they could help me out with my photos. Post-processing is not my forte, and perhaps it would help me get out of my photo-rut, and feel inspired there again.

Of the others, I've just really chosen all the beginner drawing and painting classes. Though I've drawn and painted for most of my life, I have not really taken many formal art classes. Some in highschool, one in university, but it's been so long, I don't think it would hurt me to start back at square one. ya know?

There were other classes that appealed to me too, like Jewellery Design, Fiction Writing, Sculpture, and Fabric. But I feel I should get "back to basics" before venturing further into other mediums.

Hrm... Decisions, decisions...

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