Okay, so yesterday we worked out of the Fairview office, but I took a quick jaunt down to Dunvegan Gardens, near the bridge - one of my coworkers had to run an errand. Thus, the addition to the map (below).
Today was a long and painful day. Over dinner, with the co-worker I'm up here with, I had a couple beers and then when we got back to the hotel afterwards he said he' buy me a Grand Marnier. So we proceeded to drink many of them. Somewhere in there some Karaoke started up. We looked at eachother and rolled our eyes, and planned to leave pretty quick. But this one guy (who sang a lot) then got up and said something about his song being for my co-worker (who had been semi-heckling the guy), due to his age. And he launched into it...
There's a port... on a western bay
And it serves.. a hundred ships a day
Lonely sailors... pass the time away
And talk about their homes
And I realized he was singing Brandy (you're a fine girl) and I starting laughing my ASS off. I leaned over to my co-worker and let him know what song this was and we both laughed until we cried.
And proceeded to stick around until midnight or so. It was just an awesome night. In between karaoke the waitress played great music, including Bob Dylan's "Rainy Day Women 12 & 23" which EVERYONE sang along to, and one really drunk (kinda scary-looking) welder from Edmonton got up front with the microphone and made up some of his own lyrics and did it again for Iron Man and I can't even BEGIN to say how awesomely funny it all was.
Some sexy french guy got up and sand New Orleans is Sinking, and in my humble opinion it was better than The Hip.
Ugh. Just a great night, really.
Tomorrow we're at the Valhalla office all day, and then we're staying in Grande Prairie for the night.
And I have to be up at 5:45, which is in like... 5 hours. I REALLY have to drink the rest of my water bottle and then sleep.
I love you all. And that's not JUST the Grand Marnier talking...
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