Thursday, October 05, 2006


Some of you may have noticed that my little bloggy-blog has been kinda silent as-of late. There are a few reasons for that, mostly relating to being busy, and having limited internet access.

I am basically here to say that I WILL be back at some point, just not... This week.

I could tell you some stories, like...

This morning I was sitting in my car in a parking lot, and I spot this mini-van driving along, which suddenly SLAMS on the breaks, the drivers-side window opens, and out flies a can of pop - complete with a hole in the side of it, so it is spraying pop like 2 or 3 meters. When it hits the ground, it rolls and sprays, rolls and sprays... I was glad there were no pedestrians about. The mini-van parks, and I see the driver swearing to herself, and wiping down her console/dashboard/steeringwheel...

I guess it's not that strange a story, except that I remember it happening to my mom too. A can of sparkling grapefruit somehow got punctured, and sprayed a fine pink mist ALL over the interior of her car. It was one of the biggest, most difficult-to-clean messes I've ever seen. My mom was in a hurry at the time, so she decided to leave it until she got home. Problem with that is that it was mostly dry by then, so there were just these little sticky, shiny, dots ALLLL over.

What's my point? Don't really have one.

I have my house to myself for 5 days this weekend, which I'm torn about. Part of me is really excited to have my house ALL to myself again, because there are certainly times when I miss my very solitary existence of the past. But on the other hand, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting used to having other people around again. I think tonight I'll miss having someone to sit around and chat with, talk about the day, the night, futures and nonsense...

I'm ridiculously nervous for Sunday, because it's Thanksgiving dinner - and I'll be seeing Tarah for the first time since January. Even worse, Brianne won't be there, because she's out of town. Dammit, why can't I be out of town? Whatever. I'll stick close to my dad, like a 3-year-old, and hope Tarah can just ignore me. Earrrrg.

Other news? The new Evanescence CD (The Open Door) has finally been released! I've been waiting for this for YEARS, and I'm so excited to finally have it in my hot little hands. Well, in my hot little car stereo, really. Anywho, I know that if you're an Evanescence fan you'll check it out on your own, and if you're not then you won't anyway - But I do have their official website in my links list if you care.

Hm. So - to any of you who actually know me, and are wondering if I still exist, I do. But y'know how sometimes I just slip into this parallel dimension, and all I want to do is hide? I can feel little tiny bits of that edging in... part of me thinks it's harmless to give-in, rest a while, hide a while, pull myself out of it when I know I goddamn have-to. But then part of me wonders if I'm knowingly putting myself in a darker place than I have to be. And when I do hide, is it really all that dark? I mean, I know it is sometimes, but...

I'm interested to see how I feel this weekend. How will I react to not being observed? Hehe - It's like - quantum-Brandi. Does the act of observation change me?

I sketched a woman in charcoal last week, for the first time in a loooong time. I may draw some more charcoal women this weekend. But I might not, either.

Yahuh... And it's time for me to go. I took this morning off to drive my roommate and his brother to the airport, and this afternoon was INSANE in this office! And I found out that the guy who used to do the job I'm starting dropped the ball on a whole pile of pipeline amendments, so I pretty-much spent the past 5 hours trying to figure out which ones got screwed up, and why, and how I can fix it, and how long it'll take, and when we need the license by, etc, etc, etc... Basically I can't resubmit most of these without a basemap, and it takes like a week to get a basemap, and at least one of these licenses is needed for construction starting next Wednesday. It doesn't help that Monday's a holiday, either. So I'm going to take all the paperwork, and show up AT the AEUB offices tomorrow morning first-thing, so I can hopefully get the basemaps, adjust them accordingly, attatch them to the paperwork and - God-willing, maybe even get them SUBMITTED tomorrow? They still need a day or two for approval. There's a CHANCE of this stuff being done by Wednesday, but it's not likely. Damn, I hope this job isn't always like this. But I don't think it will be. I think this has a lot to do with Ryan and I kinda sharing jobs at the moment - it makes for a lot of both overlap and oversight. BUT - I am really enjoying this position otherwise. I'm sure it'll get better when it's all mine.

I know it's not polite to talk about such things, but I'm excited and I want to share - This promotion also landed me with a 12% raise, and I may get stock-options soon. Alan (new boss) says that he'll look into it, but if I don't yet I will soon - Perhaps with my January raise. Yay.

Earggh. Time to go home. I need to relax and hide for a bit, and hopefully it'll leave me lighter rather than darker.


E said...

Don't hide too far away, I know I'd like to see you emerge at some point.

Osbasso said...

I agree--don't go too far!