Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Today I discovered The Cloud Appreciation Society website. I could literally spend days on this site! If that makes me the biggest nerd on the planet, so be it! They have photos and educational references, and members from all over the world. You'd think thousands of photos of clouds would get a little old, but I was AMAZED at the variety.

Like this one, many of these photos were taken by pilots from their cockpits! Can you believe these clouds are REAL??? If you don't believe it, then check out the site. There are many other photos of these clouds from different angles and distances.

Be honest: If you looked up and this is what you saw, would you think it was the apocolypse? I think I would...

A lot of my favorite photos there were done by Marco Lillini. I've also added his site to my links. He is a pilot, so he has some great ones "from above". If you check out his site, he also has some great location shots, plus some portraits, etc. Be sure to check it out, even if ONLY for the photo on his main page.

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