Friday, September 08, 2006

On The Way To Work This Morning...

This morning as I was walking to my office building, I was noticing the beauty of the sun shining through the yellow leaves, drips of dew asparkle. The little curly golden leaves are starting to gather at the bases of trees, up against curbs, swirling with the wind.

I noticed a crow and two magpies fighting over something I couldn't discern.

Walking towards me on the sidewalk was an attractive (older) man in a suit. He carried a briefcase and looked very important. As we passed eachother, he made eye contact with me - beamed and said, "Good morning!". I smiled to myself and thought, "How lovely".

Then, as he passed the fighting birds, I heard him use babytalk to say "What are you guys doing, huh? What are you fighting over? Who's winning? Who's winning? Who's gonna eat this morning?". And I laughed.

You've gotta find joy in the little things.

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