I don't remember entirely what I dreamt last night (I slept deeply), but I remember some tiny bits. I remember my mom, wearing some sort of bright 70's mumu. And there was something about her holding up fabric that was camouflaging with her dress... There was also something about babies, possibly baby animals.
And unfortunately, that is ALL the detail I can scrape together about my dreams last night. I know you're all terribly dissapointed by that.
I have to admit, the baby animals may have been there because my roomie and I watched some Discovery TV last night. We saw documentaries on hyenas, then lions, then wolves. Pretty interesting, of course. What shocked the Hell out of me, was that Neil sat through them, and even enjoyed them. Slowly but surely, I'm opening his mind a little, in terms of entertainment.
Neil loves cartoons. And monsters and zombies and robots and superheroes and horror. He knows a lot about those movies - more than anyone else I've met. However. He's completely close-minded about movies that don't include any of those things.
Recently, there have been some movies that I've been interested in renting, and he just won't. He won't even entertain the possibility that it might be a good movie, if it has nothing to do with his monsters/zombies/etc.
But. He and I were at the video rental place about a week ago, and not agreeing on what to get. I always just let him pick, and not say anything - because I can tend to find something to enjoy about any movie. But this time there were a few I really badly wanted to see. But Neil was having none of it.
So we decided to each pick one out. He chose Slither and I chose Strangers with Candy. I have to admit, SwC wasn't on the very top of my list, but it was in my top 5 (only because I love Stephen Colbert) and Neil had reacted positively to the preview, even though he was now saying he had zero interest in it.
So of course we watch Slither first, because boys care more about things like watching their movies first. It sucked. And I say this with full conviction. I swear to you - It takes A LOT for me to say there wasn't anything good about a movie - It was absolutely the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. And I've seen some bad ones. Especially since August... Hm...
Before you think I'm being the closed-minded one, Neil hated it to. He was like "Wow, you were right - that reeeeeally sucked."
And then, when he finally agreed to put up with my movie - He freakin' LOVED it. He's been quoting lines from it non-stop. He'll even start just randomly laughing out of nowhere, and when I raise my eyebrows at him, he'll say some line or bring up a scene from it. He's even called it the best movie ever - Although I still don't believe he would ACTUALLY place it above Star Wars or the Alien movies. But whatever.
Part of me thought that perhaps he would see that there is some possibility that I could pick out a good movie. I sat him down and chatted with him about maybe being a little more open-minded about movies. He was actually surprised - At first he was totally caught off guard, but I gave him specific examples, and he realized he was being a little ridiculous. And in the end he actually apologized, saying he really didn't realize what a movie-nazi he was being. He blamed his childhood as usual, but promised to make an effort to listen to my opinion on movies too.
I don't even have any desire to make him sit through chick-flicks or anything. I would never want to make anyone sit through something they don't enjoy. I just truly believe that he could enjoy a lot more movies if he were open to trying them. Ya know?
So - Whatever. I'm still not convinced I'll have any say in the movies we rent, but again - I also don't care THAT much. Which is why I will never see the movies I want - Only what the other person wants.
I don't even mean to make it sound like Neil's the only one who's ever done that, he's just an example - throughout my entire life it's been that way, and I know it's just because of my personality. I'm just noticing it now because I spent a few years living entirely alone, so it was always my choice, and I got to see exactly what I wanted to see. And it was the first time ever. And I discovered a lot of really fantastic stuff that I NEVER would have seen, if I was renting with anyone else. And now I kinda miss it.
See, what would solve this problem would be to meet someone as movie-ecclectic as me. Someone else who really is as open to whatever as me. That would be sweet. Then I could suggest movies I have an interest in, without anyone pulling up their noses, saying "that looks boring. That looks weird. That has subtitles." Eeeeek, oh no! Subtitles, we mustn't READ for two hours in a row, that would be disasterous!
Hehe. I like normal movies too. But I don't understand the concept of spending ALL your time in the mainstream, when there are so many different areas out there. There are so many amazing and bizarre things that will NEVER come close to the mainstream. Bah.
Whatever. I didn't mean to rant, but I did. Now it's time for me to go home.
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