I wanted to post a quick blurb about the Evanescence concert I attended last night, with my friend Michelle. It was incredible! I have been wanting to see Evanescence live for YEARS, and this is the first time they've come to Calgary. It was amazing. Stupendous, even.
The opening acts were okay - Not much of an impression one way or the other of The Black Maria, but they played a short set.
Next was Stone Sour - They weren't terrible, but they're not really my cup of tea. Y'know their song 'Bother'? Yeah, it's a good song. Very enjoyable. Pretty much everything else of theirs was screaming and head-banging.
Evanescence rocked my socks. Amy Lee was beautiful and expressive. She puts so much into her music, it makes me want to cry. Her whole body seems like a part of her voice. Every motion, every glance. She seems to BE her music. Amazing. Stunning, beautiful, inspiring.
Michelle and I felt like we stuck out a little, considering we weren't wearing ridiculous amounts of black or purple make-up, or corsets or striped stockings up to our knees. Our hair wasn't spiked or dyed black, we didn't carry anything with a skull pattern... As we were waiting in line to be searched (all these dark, scared, teens must be carrying weapons, you know - wearing black makes you violent), a security guard came along and asked all us ladies to open our purses. They started the purse-search at the girls behind us. We figured we didn't look young or threatening enough - But what about our knitting needles and rolling pins? They could be dangerous... Jeeze.
It was also really nice hanging out with Michelle again. We used to spend TONS of time together, but life got crazy for us both around the same time, and we had to tend to other things. I'm so glad we have been back in contact again - I missed her a lot.
Other stuff:
- Work's good. Busy. It's fun having an assistant, but I only get her until the end of February. She's a brand new engineer, so she has bigger better things to do than to assist me. Sad, but true.
- Brian and I are - ridiculous. Delirious. Fantabulous. I'll try not to make you all sick with mushiness - But we are happy and amazing.
- I've been focusing some attention back on my house, after letting it slide for longer than I really should have. It feels good to be taking pride in it and feeling proud of it again.
- It hasn't really been a big thing in my mind, but I suppose a few of you out there will be happy to know that I haven't been smoking pot for a while now. It feels good. It wasn't really a conscious decision either - just kinda happened. But of course it's a good thing. Perhaps that's why I was able to do 3 consecutive sun-salutations on my first crack at yoga in 5 months. Hm...
- I've become too small for all my clothes - Even my 'skinny' clothes are big on me now. I have to wear belts, and they look like draw-strings. I've been meaning to buy some clothes that fit, but things have been so busy I haven't had a chance. Hopefully this weekend, though. It'll be nice to have clothes that fit again. Weirdest thing ever: Brian thinks I have boy-hips. I've always known I had HUGE hips. But when he puts me in front of a mirror in my panties, I have to agree. I have little hips. What the Hell? I've only lost about 30 pounds, but my body seems so different than before. It's amazing. It feels good. Brian took a photo of me recently that I really like (doesn't really showcase my bizarre skinny body, but I love it and feel sexy in it) - I might post it on here at some point, but it contains no blue. Not sure what to do about that, but we'll see...
Okay, enough. I've been going away and coming back to this post all day - typing madly in little snippets of 45 seconds at a time. If it seems disjointed, that's most certainly why.
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