No, it's not really blue - I don't think there ARE blue ones. But apparently I'm not the only one out there who fantasizes about everything in blue.
Not since my Super Nintendo waaaaaay back in the day, have I been excited about a videogame console. But it's hard not to be excited about the Wii. Because EVERYONE is excited about the Wii.
Like spring 2004 - When EVERY Calgarian suddenly became a hard-core hockey fan. I had never previously cared about hockey in the least, but the team-spirit was contagious. It was fun just to be a part of this electric, city-wide, enthusiasm.
The Wii is kinda like that. It's exciting to be a part of the excitement. Ya know? I also know how much Brian's been wanting one, and I love to see him so thrilled.
So I know what wii (haha) are doing this weekend. :) See what all this fuss is about once and for all!
Other updates:
- Work is good. Really good. I'm taking on far more responsibility than I expected to, but I'm honored that I'm being trusted with it.
- Got put in charge of another task that I have no training on, which I'm self-teaching by the moment. It's scary, but I'm doing alright with it - and it's impressive to my boss, so that's cool. He tells me our VP has almost no school training - is entirely self-taught, and one of the most knowledgable guys out there. Sweet. So I could be VP by 30? Okay - no. I don't even WANT to be VP. My boss's wife is VP of her company, and I get the distinct impression that their children raise themselves. My children (yes, the ones that don't exist yet) will not raise themselves. My future husband and I will raise them. Period. Aaaaand due to past experiences with lazy men, I'm not sure I could even do the whole you-raise-the-kids-while-I-go-to-work thing. But I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I come to it...
- I have to make a 30-minute presentation at a conference in Canmore in February, and I'm terrified. Brian says he'll help me with it. Being a consultant, he's got experience in giving presentations, etc. Problem is, stage fright has always been a VERY huge issue for me. But at the same time - I know that all I can do is be as brave as I can, and just do it and make my way through one moment at a time. I just hope I don't throw-up or pass-out or come-across-as-not-knowing-my-shit or pee-my-pants or trip-over-my-own-feet or... Oh, the possibilities are endless. But I know all I can do is just do it. And next time it'll be easier. Probably.
- I'm ridiculously busy outside of work too. I've been trying to find time to buy clothes that fit for like a month now, and I STILL haven't. I also need to get myself my own computer at home. Again, no time. But it's okay. Stuff is getting done, and I'm feeling good.
Alright - Now it's one, and for the past hour I've been alternating between typing this, and working. So now that I SHOULD be working, I have to go buy some lunch. I hope they have a yummy wrap for me at the store downstairs. Cross your fingers for me!!!
1 comment:
never in my life did i think i would see the day that YOU....are excited about a video game console. whew. feel better now that i got that out. :)
ps. AND you mentioned hockey in your blog. this is a momentous occasion i am going to mark it on my star trek, cat, company, service company and scenic 2007 calendars. yep. all 5 of them.
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