Doesn't this little girl make you want to cry? I think she fell off her bike. I want to give her ice cream and distract her with something exciting and fun.
Aaaanywho, this post is not about her. It is about me. This is my blog - so it's always about me.
Yesterday, I attended my first yoga class in a loooooong time. September maybe? Whenever it was that I last posted about yoga. Yes, the one where I swore I'd stick with it this time around. Well, Brian does yoga, and somehow that makes me want to do it more too. So I actually think I might keep it up for real this time. It's nice having such a positive motivator around.
Aaaanywho, as expected, I'm unbelievably stiff from that class yesterday - practically every muscle in my body complained loudly, almost immediately following the class. Our instructor was a little hard-core yesterday.
But, as I said back in September-ish, it's the good kind of pain. I don't mind it at all. However.
As I was going downstairs last night to do a load of laundry, I slipped and landed hard on my back - on unforgiving wooden stairs. Immediately the most painful spot was my spine, about mid-back - Where I landed the hardest. My right wrist/heel of my hand was the second most painful. As the night went on, my left elbow started to develop bruising too. This morning I can also feel my tailbone, my other elbow, and my neck hurts like whiplash.
I was wearing a knit sweater, so my injuries are even patterned! At least they're pretty... :)
So Brian wrapped me up in blankets, with assorted frozen foods - cranberries on my back, mangoes on my wrist - and put me in front of the television while he did my laundry, and a few other assorted chores, occaisionally breaking to feed me oreo cookies and check in on the various sore spots.
I feel a little guilty, because Brian and I are trying to get A LOT of stuff done and out-of-the-way as quickly as possible, and I just cut our physical labor force in half. Bah.
I mean, today I'm walking around like a normal person at least. But I'm still a little nervous. Later last night after we finished at my place and went back to his house, I tripped and almost fell AGAIN on his porch steps leading up to his house, and then less than 10 minutes later tripped over his laptop bag. I think the smartest thing I did last night was when I went to bed. But part of me wondered if I should wear a helmet to bed anyway. I had visions of jet engines landing on me in the night...
I haven't tripped over anything yet today, though. So that's good. Lets hope that holds.
I think yesterday's klutziness was a result of a few things. One, obviously the stiffness from my yoga class. It's not the first time I've injured myself after my first yoga class in a while. Also, I'm exhausted this week. Brian and I both are. We have so much to do, it's ridiculous. We're trying so hard to get all this stuff done, so that we can have some free time again, to do something fun. Or even to be able to relax and do nothing, without thinking "We should be doing something constructive right now...". So of course since we're trying to get everything done all at once, we've been staying up far too late at night, trying to fit more hours in the day. Plus all the emotional everything lately has me exhausted too. And when I'm exhausted, I can be a klutz. I doubt that surprises anyone who knows me.
So, my guess is that the giant bruise in the middle of my spine means I won't be back at yoga next week. But I'm hoping for the following week...
Plans for this weekend? Catch up on sleep. It seems the exhaustion is getting dangerous.
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