Link Added - Neverending White Lights
A friend of mine recently burned me a Mix CD, which included 3 or 4 songs by Neverending White Lights, and now I'm in love. I fall deeply and madly in love with music from time to time - It's not a bad thing. Y'know how sometimes you hear music that makes you want to dance or cry or create or something? This music is like that. I only have the songs "Liar", "This Longing", "I Hope Your Heart Runs Empty", "The Grace". But they all make me want to dance/cry/create and I can't WAIT to get the whole album. I will be spending 7 hours in my car on Saturday, so I'll probably pick it up before I leave... Anyhow, just give it a listen... The website itself is pretty impressive too, so I recommend a look around. Yup. Hooray for amazing music!
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