I tend to adore really big artwork. So big in fact, that it wouldn't really fit anywhere in my house - except maybe up on the roof. So everytime I find new artwork that I love, I think about doubling its size and putting it on my roof.
What? I never once claimed my trains of thought made any practical sense...
It's been a busy, busy day today. I was in early early early this morning, to prepare for a 4-hour meeting, which ran from 8 to 12. Worked through lunch, preparing for a one o'clock meeting. At 2, I got out of that meeting and had to run over to the EUB offices to pick up some data they'd pulled for me. Got back around 2:30, in time to prep. for my 3:00!!! That one ran until almost 5, and now I'm spent. Got back to my office, returned some calls, etc... But was only able to leave voicemails of course, because no one still exists at 5pm on a Friday.
Except me. And why am I still here? Because.
I'm having a family dinner tonight at 6:30. I want to go straight there from work, because if I go home first I'll just want to curl up in the dark and say screw it. And I shouldn't. I'm actually quite excited about this dinner, because Tarah won't be there. I actually really love my family where Tarah isn't involved. But add her into the mix and I'll pass, thanks.
So... Yeah, I'm just killing time now. I was planning on working right up until it's time to leave, but a lot of my stuff is waiting on other people right now. I can't really do much until Monday, when there are people around again. Plus, I was supposed to meet with my boss this afternoon after our 3:00 meeting, but it went so long we had to postpone our meeting until Monday - and so I can't really act on some of this stuff before I get his approval on it.
This weekend is cool:
- Tonight I get to see some relatives I haven't seen in a long time, and I don't have to put up with the one I can't handle.
- Tomorrow my roomie is working some overtime, which means I get the house to myself aaaall day long. Don't know what I'll do with that time yet, but I'm sure I'll come up with something fantastic.
- Most weekends I head home thinking, "Uuuggghhh... I should clean my house this weekend..." but my house is actually currently so clean and tidy from top to bottom, I honestly have no cleaning to do this weekend. I'd forgotten what such a thing feels like! And daaaaamn is it nice to exist in neatness and cleanliness. I also find the neater and cleaner it gets, the easier it is to keep it that way. I suppose it's just a pattern, a cycle, like anything else in the world.
Next week work is crazy, but good - we're finally making some serious headway on this project that's been stalled for like a year. I also have a couple of lunch 'n' learns to attend - noise control, and the new K-60 sleeve. Sound fun? Totally.
It's also my friend Taryn's birthday next Thursday - she's turning 28. And Sandra (ex coworker) is back in town next week too, so I'll get to see her at some point too, which is awesome.
Hm... Okay, well - I have like 3 more work-related e-mails to respond to, and then I'm going to head out for supper.
Ciao, lovelies. I hope you all have amazing weekends.
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