No post yesterday because I was at a lunch 'n' learn on Pressure Release Valves. I swear it was more interesting than it sounds. I'm really enjoying the learning curve that came with my new job. I've been reading textbooks, attending seminars, and questioning my co-workers on random little bits, here and there. They often draw me little diagrams (hooray for visual learners!), and I have them up all over my walls in my office. It has also gotten me back into reading quite a bit, which makes me happy.
I have always loved books so much, but I hadn't been reading lately - too much other stuff going on around home. But now that I have some peace and quiet again, I'm reading again, and I love it. Even if I'm only reading about pipelines. I'm still really enjoying it. I'm reading on the train to and from work, and then for another hour or two before bed each night. I look forward to finishing my current pipeline text, and perhaps moving on to something a little more exciting? Maybe.
I actually did read a fiction novel a few weeks ago - Wasteland, by Francesca Lia Block. I have all her books, but hadn't read this one yet. It was pretty intense. REALLY well written, but quite a viscious edge to it. Anyone who knows Francesca Lia Block's style of writing can probably understand - Gorgeous and dark and magic and terrible, sweet and sparkly, but sharp and venomous all at the same time. The story itself was tragic: a brother and sister fall in love, and spend years trying to deny it, trying to feel attracted to other people, trying to deny their bond. Eventually it winds up being too much, and the brother commits suicide. The story is told from the point of view of the sister, after his death. Her pain, her guilt, her torment. Towards the end of the story, she discovers that her brother was adopted (of course). What'd I tell you? Twisted? Yup.
I've been thinking about Joyce Carol Oates' books lately, and I'm thinking maybe my next read will be something of hers. Maybe Blonde (biography of Marilyn Monroe), or I might reread Dark Water. Actually. I'm most likely just to go to the library and look at all her books, and pick one when they're all in front of me. She does have a couple shelves to herself.
Y'know who else I'd like to read again? Graham Joyce. He was the author of four of my favorite books: Toothfairy, Dark Sister, Requiem, Indigo. They are all dark and mystical and spiritual and fascinating. I found each one of these books IMPOSSIBLE to put down. So maybe I should read the rest of his stuff, hey?
Neil and I are currently watching Carnivale on DVD, which I adore. I had actually thought that I'd seen the whole series, but we just started on season 2, and I haven't seen any of it! So that's pretty exciting - A whole season off Carnivale that I haven't seen?!?!?!?!? Awesome. Anyone who hasn't seen this show, I definitely recommend it. Especially you artsy types. You know who you are.
My Aunty Kathy is in town this week, which is reeeally exciting. I adore her, but only get to see her once every year or two. We're having dinner tomorrow night (Me, my little sister, my dad, my aunt, my dad's aunt and uncle and cousin), which'll be nice. I don't know where we're going yet, but it'll probably be Leo Fu's. It's the favorite chinese food restaurant of the oldest in our group (Shirl and Ed, in their late 80's). Then at some point over the next week or so, I'll have Kathy over to my place for tea and conversation. The last time she was in Calgary was for my mom's funeral, so she hasn't even seen my house yet.
Aaaaalrighty-roo. I took a late lunch today, but it's time for me to get back to it.
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