Thursday, November 09, 2006


Today, as a day, is quiet. At least in my little orb. I searched google images for "quiet", and this was the result that spoke to me the most. I find it pretty accurate for my mood today. Even the sorta scribbly hands clutching himself, like he's dizzy or hungry or worried.

I also really like the little yellow duck. Perhaps he's there to comfort the poor stickman. Maybe he's there as his friend - quietly chirping his friendly comforts. His coloring (bright yellow as opposed to the dull blue-greys) makes it seem to me that his "vibe" is different from the rest. Make sense? To me it looks like he's cozying-up, saying don't worry - I'm here. We can be quiet without being alone.

I like this a lot. It's just so... quiet. I seem to like quiet today. Probably partly because I'm so tired, and partly because I'm still not completely healthy. Most of my group is in the field today, and I think they're all taking tomorrow off. The end of the week draws near. This little man and duck feel familiar to me - like they understand me. I understand them.

Plus, it's blue. Ish.

1 comment:

Josh T said...

Hey Brandi,

Cute photo... but very sad. Hope that it's not entirely representative of you mood. Quiet is good... but that one might be... too quiet :-)

Hope to hear from you soon!
