In other news, Britney Spears filed for divorce from Kevin Federline today. I for one am proud of her. I've never been a Britney Spears fan by any stretch, but somehow I feel for her. I feel sorry for her in the sense that I would feel sorry for any young girl with two brand new babies, going through a divorce. People attack her like she's the only woman ever to have wound up in her situation - and that it all came out of sheer stupidity.
Truth is, she obviously fell in love. Most people make the wrong decisions where love is concerned, but she also had the entire world watching her, telling her what to do, judging her at every turn. Hell, if I were her, I probably would have tried to make things work with Kevin, just to prove the whole goddamn world wrong...
But in reality, a bad relationship is a bad relationship. For some reason, people don't know when to end bad relationships. Even once they realize their relationship is harmful, they tend to stick around for a while to see if it'll get better - but it never does. Until someone grows the balls to leave.
So bravo, Britney. Congratulations on having the balls to get out of a shitty relationship - with two babies in tow, and the entire world judging you. They'll call her weak - but I know that what she's done took strength.
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