Monday today... A ridiculously tired Monday at that. My own stupid fault, though - I stayed up too late last night because for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to start baking cookies at 11pm.
Ginger Snaps made from scratch - and they turned out PERFECTLY. You know, where they're slightly crunchy on the outside, and all soft and chewy on the inside? Wooooo, baby. So it was nice to be able to bring some of them in for my early morning meetings today. They were appreciated. Yay! So, as always, a successful attempt makes it far more likely that I'll make further attempts in the future.
My roomie and I pulled out all my cookbooks last night (strangely I have a rather extensive collection), and we've found DOZENS of delicious-sounding recipes we want to try. We're planning to try one or two new ones per week. Yum yum!
My weekend was really good all around, I've gotta say. Neil was working for most of the weekend, to make some extra cash - so I had the house to myself for a while.
On Saturday morning I did some little bits of random tidying, some laundry, took a bunch of donations to Good Will, and a load of recycling (cans, boxes, paper). Around one, my dad and my aunty Kathy came over, and we sat and chatted and drank tea and all that good stuff. I don't get to see Kathy all that much so it was REALLY great to get some time in with her.
I may go visit her at some point in the next few months too. I have about $167 Westjet credit that I've got to use by February. I don't travel much, so I'm not sure where I'll use it, but perhaps I'll take a little weekend trip out to Vernon...
Although I'll also be the first to admit that I don't really see a "good time" for me to be travelling in the next few months... Whatever.
Sunday was far more normal in terms of my average weekend - I slept, I watched TV, I read...
Oh, you know what else I did, to take advantage of the empty house??? I played piano for like an hour! It has been SUCH a long time since I've sat down at my piano, it felt SO GOOD!!! My problem is mostly that I have trouble playing in front of people. It's always been that way, ever since I was a little kid. My hands just start trembling as soon as I think I'm "performing". So I used to play around with it fairly frequently - about a half hour 2 or 3 times a week, but since I've had people living with me, my poor piano has only been collecting dust... I was actually surprised that I could stilll play a few songs after not touching them in months... Woo!
Actually, since mine and Neil's work hours differ, I do have an hour or two in the evening before he gets home. Maybe I should add piano practicing onto the list of stuff I do during that time...
Yup. Just ramblin'.
Looks like I'm going to be getting a couple of assistants for a while in the new year. They'll be starting right away in January, and they'll be helping me out until the workload subsides a little bit - probably 2 or 3 months. This is exciting for a few reasons. One, my workload is insane. Right now the project is in a place where I can't really split it up, but in January I'll have tasks I can delegate. So right now I'm just working my ass off to get to the next phase of this thing - hopefully year end (crossing my fingers...). Other than the workload, this is a good thing in terms of my career development. Apparently these two will be reporting to me - Which rocks. I've never had anyone report to me. I mean, way back in my filing days, I got a student to help with the workload, but she didn't really report to me - she was just extra hands and eyes, ya know? But with these two, I will actually have a leadership role with them. In the org chart - They are under me!!! Mwaaaah.
Don't get me wrong - I totally get that it's not a big deal for a permanent employee to call in a third-party contractor, and to be "in charge" of that person, but still... It's just exciting, okay? Leave me alone.
This is likely my last post until Friday, because I can only really do this on my lunch hour, and my next three are full:
Tuesday - Lunch 'n' Learn on the new K60 Sleeve (very exciting, trust me)
Wednesday - Lunch 'n' Learn on environment noise control (something that I don't really deal with directly, but it could be interesting, nonetheless).
Thursday - Lunch with Katherine! Wooooooo! Good stuff.
It's also Taryn's birthday on Thursday, and I hope she has lunch plans with her direct co-workers. Also, Sandra is in town on Thursday and Friday, and so I'll need to give her my full attention whenever she happens to drop by. Yup.
So I may have time on Friday to post another little update... Tah 'till then!
1 comment:
Mind fedexing some of those cookies out my way? Yum :-)
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